DE-REGISTRATION AT HFK – For de-registering at HfK, you go to the registrar´s office at Speicher XI. The office staff will hand out the necessary forms for de-registration.


PAPER WORK AT INTERNATIONAL OFFICE – In order to obtain recognition for your semester at HfK Bremen, you have to hand a certificate of attendance (so called Schein) at the International Office for each of the classes you have attended. Since not all courses are graded at the HfK, you should inform teachers that you do need credit points and grades for your home university. On the form, ECTS points and/or grades should be filled in if necessary (but only according to the German grading system!). As soon as the International Office has received all the Scheine, your Transcript of Records will be issued and then sent to your home university.


KEY CARD – Before leaving HfK please return your key card(s) to the person you have received it from.


BANK ACCOUNT – If you have opened a German bank account for the time of your exchange you need to close it before leaving Germany.




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